特效描述:利用jQuery实现 带小图 展示说明的 焦点广告,利用jQuery实现带小图展示说明的焦点广告
1. 引入CSS
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”css/layout.css” />
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”css/style1.css” />
2. 引入JS
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.js”>
</script><script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.easing.js”>
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”js/script.js”>
3. HTML代码
<div id=”container”>
Lof JSliderNews 1.0</strong>
– Jquery 1.3 & Easing plugin</h1>
Direction: Right – Left. The Navigator is the list of thumbnails.</strong>
The plugin allow to use the wheelup and wheeldown to pvious|next item in the list
</p><!————————————- THE CONTENT ————————————————->
<div id=”lofslidecontent45″ class=”lof-slidecontent” style=”width:980px; height:340px;”>
<div class=”pload”>
<div class=”lof-main-outer” style=”width:980px; height:340px;”>
<ul class=”lof-main-wapper”>
<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340.png” title=”Newsflash 2″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 1″ href=”#Category-1″>
/ Newsflash 1 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 1</h2>
The one thing about a Web site, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add Articles, content,…
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<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_002.png” title=”Newsflash 1″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 2″ href=”#Category-2″>
/ Newsflash 2 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 2</h2>
Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are…
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<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_003.png” title=”Newsflash 3″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 3″ href=”#Category-3″>
/ Newsflash 3 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 3</h2>
With a library of thousands of free Extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don’t…
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<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_004.png” title=”Newsflash 5″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 4″ href=”#Category-4″>
/ Newsflash 4 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 4</h2>
Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web…
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<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_005.png” title=”Newsflash 5″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 5″ href=”#”>
/ Newsflash 5 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 5</h2>
Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web…
<a class=”readmore” href=”#”>Read more </a>
<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_006.png” title=”Newsflash 5″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 6″ href=”#”>
/ Newsflash 6 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 6</h2>
Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web…
<a class=”readmore” href=”#”>Read more </a>
<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_007.png” title=”Newsflash 5″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 7″ href=”#”>
/ Newsflash 7 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 7</h2>
Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web…
<a class=”readmore” href=”#”>Read more </a>
<img src=”images/thumbl_980x340_008.png” title=”Newsflash 8″ >
<div class=”lof-main-item-desc”>
<a target=”_parent” title=”Newsflash 8″ href=”#”>
/ Newsflash 8 /</a>
— Monday, February 15, 2010 12:42</i>
Content of Newsflash 8</h2>
Joomla! 1.5 – ‘Experience the Freedom’!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web…
<a class=”readmore” href=”#”>Read more </a>
<div class=”lof-navigator-wapper”>
<div onclick=”return false” href=”” class=”lof-next”>
<div class=”lof-navigator-outer”>
<ul class=”lof-navigator”>
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340.png” />
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_002.png” />
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<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_004.png” />
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_005.png” />
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_006.png” />
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_007.png” />
<img src=”images/thumbs/thumbl_980x340_008.png” />
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